Monday, July 21, 2008
Letters to Isaac, Months 13 and 14
Hey there, big boy.
Look at you! You’re huge! Only, not really. According to the growth charts you are still teeny; like eleventh percentile or something. At your one year check up our doctor tactfully told me that I shouldn't avoid feeding you more high calorie foods, like ice cream smothered in bacon drippings.
We’re working on it, buddy.
You are a funny eater, little man. You are like a camel. You will go for days on, like, a bread crust. Then very few weeks you will have a day where you eat so much we can’t believe you aren’t puking. And when you do eat, you are so dainty about it. You must have your little fork. I have actually seen you eat a peanut butter sandwich with a fork.
It’s funny, because in every other way you are such a boy. You love dirt, have no fear of picking up bugs; and were the first of my kids to play in the toilet. You generally have no interest in any activity that does not involve running at full tilt. Books? Puzzles? Meh. If you see anything vaguely round you delightedly scream “BALL!” and chuck it as hard as you can. You are so much happier now that you can run around and keep up with the girls. In fact, you were barely running before you discovered the joys of tackling. Be careful, buddy! They are still bigger than you! You and Isabel are starting to play together, though. It’s awesome. Your favorite game to play together is “Screaming Match”. Not Mommy’s favorite, as you can imagine. But I am so happy to see you two interact that I let it slide. I have a feeling I am going to be in trouble when you guys actively start teaming up.
And boy, are you talking all of a sudden. You say: mama, dada, Babell, no, mine, juice, shoes, ball, ni ni, bye bye, nanny, cheese and GG. We are working on getting you to say “Geeze”. Actually, we are working on just getting you to look Geeze in the eye or allow him to touch you.
You are definitely a shy little guy. There are only about five or six people who have really met you. These incidentally happen to be the five or six people that you see almost every single day. You are a biiiiiiig fan of your routine. I’ll never forget your reaction when we walked into our house after our recent trip to Philly. You were so happy to be home! You actually walked around the house in circles, touching things and chuckling.
You have the best little chuckle, buddy. I can’t tell you how much I love to see you smile. Or how wonderful it is to have a baby who voluntarily gives hugs and kisses! We are endlessly amused by your antics and blessed on a daily basis by your sweet, lovely nature. I love you, little miracle boy.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Letters to Isabel, Months 37 and 38
Boy, I seem to have fallen very behind on these letters. That did not take long, did it? We are having an awesome summer together. Honestly, we have just been having too much fun to sit down and blog about it. It is almost too fast, I wish I could put our lives in slow motion right now. It does not feel like there is enough time to properly soak in all the joy in our lives.
Your mama has always had trouble during times like these. When there is a crisis to deal with, I am The Prepared One. I know how to function, to get through things one day at a time. It seems counterintuitive to complain when things are going so great, and I am working really hard to just enjoy our life and not scramble around trying to figure out when the other shoe is going to drop.
You help me so much in this, dearest. Yesterday during the little kids’ naptime you were waiting impatiently for me to get done with my chores so that I could read you a story.
“Not now, honey.” I kept saying. “I’m just too busy”.
Then I remembered that I was supposed to be including you in the clean up process, to teach you about responsibility and ensure that you learned to take pride in accomplishing tasks which leads to a healthy self-esteem and blah blah blah. I turned to you dutifully.
“Isabel, can you be my biiiiiiig helping girl and pick up these toys?”
You glanced at me balefully from the sofa.
“Not now, Mommy. I’m just too busy!”
Touché, little one.
Eventually we finished our clean up and finally snuggled up on the couch together. You heaved a great big sigh and said,
“Ahhhhhhh! The best part of the day!”
I can’t begin to describe how that felt, and the sunshine that you bring into my life at the most unexpected moments. When I am tired, frustrated, feeling sorry for myself, ready to sell you to the gypsies; all it takes is one little sweet word from you, one unexpected kiss, to bring me to my knees with gratitude. And I know that I am not alone in this. You spread smiles like peanut butter, to anyone and everyone you meet. You are the friendliest little thing, and you looooove an audience. We recently took a trip to Philly to visit your Aunt Katie; and while we were there you took your first cab ride. You hopped in and immediately started bombarding the driver with your usual barrage of questions,
“Guy? Hey guy! Look at my new shoes, guy! They’re soo beauuutiful! Guy? We’re going to a fancy restaurant, guy! A faaaaaancy restaurant! Just like Fancy Nancy! Hey, guy, talk to me! Are you driving, guy? When are you gonna talk? When you stop driving. When you stoooooop driving you can talk to me, ok, guy? When you stop…”
This continued for 23 minutes. No joke. I don’t know how that driver managed it, but he did not look at you or acknowledge your existence once. You were flabbergasted. You had never met an adult that did not melt into putty with one bat of your eyelashes. This guy was not amused by you. Your Dad and Aunt Grace and I could not stop laughing.
You are constantly cracking us up. One of your favorite games begins with you running up to your Daddy and asking, “What do you eat for breakfast, Daddy?” His eyes will widen dramatically and he will answer, “I eat THREE YEAR OLD GIRLS!” He then will chase you around and pretend to gobble you up. A few weeks ago, in the midst of this game you screeched, “Don’t eat me Daddy! I’m too skinny!” Where do you come up with stuff?
Oh my goodness, I don’t know how I can cram in everything I want to remember about you at this stage in your life. The way you pretend to be a dinosaur. The way you tenderly mother your Duckie through imaginary illnesses. The way you bop your head and sing along to your favorite songs on the radio. The way your eyes widen when you are about to do something silly. How whenever I get stressed out or grumpy you pat me tenderly on the arm and say, “Don’t worry, Mommy. Everything will be all right.”
It’s more than all right, darling. It is wonderful.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Coming out of hibernation
Oh. Em. Gee.
Joss Whedon. Nathan Fillion. Neal Patrick Hakfljseiofhzs kfhkjfo;ijfksdfnj iejhz;oifjdj
Sorry, petit mal excitement siezure. I'm fine. Seriously, I cannot wait for this. Check out the teaser and the "Master Plan". Take that, Show Business!