Today you turn 9 months old. Holy smokes, little one, how did that happen? All of a sudden you are a Big Baby. I’ve had to get all of the Big Baby toys out of storage. Of course, you still prefer your sister’s toys over those boring baby things. Or better yet, finding practically invisible dirt on the floor and eating it. Lately that particular activity has become your reason d’etre. I vacuum every single day, yet you always manage to find a spot I’ve missed. The other day, I swear, you crawled to the edge of the area rug, lifted it up, found a clump of dirt underneath, and had it halfway to your mouth before I could get to you. How do you do it, buddy?
Sometimes I feel bad that I tend to describe you by comparing you to your sister. It just amazes me how different you two are. Where she has always been a thinker and a plotter; you are a go-er and a getter. While she tests out new experiences with one toe before jumping in; you shut your eyes and do a cannonball. You have picked up the army crawl with lightning speed. You barrel around the house with little to no caution and an alarming excess of curiosity. I have no idea what I am going to do when you are faster than I am.

It’s hard to believe that you are going to be a year old in three months. Your dad and I are really looking forward to the big Family Birthday Bash we are going to throw. I have a feeling that you are going to rock it out, little man. We had so much fun with you on Christmas. Your sister was a bit overwhelmed by it this year, and treated us all to a healthy dose of two year old temper. But you? You squealed appropriately at all your presents, didn’t eat too many pine needles off of the tree, and even obligingly sacked out on your great grandma’s lap toward the end of the morning.
All in all, you are an absolute delight. I am so enjoying watching you discover the world. You take such unbridled pleasure in each and every new experience. You absolutely love solid food, and are chomping at the bit to try finger food. Quit growing up so fast, kiddo! You are beginning to babble, and whenever you see your Daddy, you break into an ecstatic “Da da da da!” You have that man wrapped around your little fingers. And you are so
much like him already, it’s uncanny. Not only are you his spitting image, but you are very alike in temperament. Ninety nine percent of the time, you are two of the most easygoing, laid back people I have ever met. That other one percent of the time, when you have really set your mind on something, God help anyone who stands in your way. I’ve never met anyone more stubborn!

Speaking of which, little man, can we just talk about the sleep thing? Because seriously, I am getting tired. You are still pretty much up every two to three hours all night. Sleep training has been an unmitigated disaster. Your Dad and I are gearing up for another desperate attempt, as we really don’t want to be doing this when you are two. So have a heart, honey. I can promise you a much happier, more patient Mommy once we get this thing figured out. With that being said, I have really been enjoying our mornings together. You are up between five and six, while your sister usually sleeps until seven or eight. It guarantees me a little precious alone time with you every day, and I wouldn’t trade that for anything. I can’t wait to see what next month will bring us, and though I can’t imagine you being any more delightful, I’m sure you will be.

You are the heart of my heart,
You are the heart of my heart,
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