So here's the scene. Bella is on the potty.

Her clothes are covered in green paint. "Baby Isaac and I are going upstairs for one minute to get you some clean clothes." I say sternly. "Do not get up off this potty."
Well. Those of you who have had an almost-three-year-old know that I may as well have said "Please get up off the potty and do the most disgusting thing imaginable while I am gone." Have you guessed yet? Forty five seconds later I returned to find her painting the bathroom walls with her own pee. Her choice of paintbrush?

I was actually so beyond repulsed and angry that I burst out laughing. Isabel, relieved, laughed as well. Then, before I could decide what to do with the monstrous mess in front of me, she solemnly sprinkled the baby and I with the pee, like a Catholic priest blessing the congregation with holy water.
To be fair, our lesson theme for the day was the letter "P". We made cute little toilet-paper-roll Piggies, hand print Penguins, Painted Pictures of Peacocks, and ate Pasta with Peas. So, I guess this seemed like a fitting end to the morning?
Thank you, God, for a sense of humor. And also for Clorox wipes.
Kids can be so creative, can't they? Thanks for bringing me a big laugh...
ELIZABETH, you do not understand her art. She's obviously beyond her time. One day those bathroom walls are going to be worth a fortune.
You can't blame this one on me. I wasn't even in the same state at the time.
Thanks for the laugh - I needed it. Sorry it had to be at the expense of your favorite brush, bathroom walls, and such though.
Jen M
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