Dear Isaac,
I am a little late getting this letter out to you this month. As you know, we have been busy, busy, busy. And you have changed so much this month, I can hardly believe it.

Look at you, big boy! You are cruising! You pulled yourself up a few times last month, but this month you started doing it consistently. You are very pleased with yourself. And you have no fear. As long as you have your hand on a solid object, no matter how stable, you are cruising. You’re like Spiderman, creeping along the circumference of the room. You will be walking before you know it. Then your sister had better watch out.
She is really starting to warm up to you.

Well, most of the time. When she feels like it. But you two are starting to play together on a semi-regular basis and man, is that ever cute. Nobody makes you laugh quite like Isabel does. You are even beginning to copy the things she does. When she claps, you clap. When she says, “no!” you say, “nuh!” That pisses her off. He he he. You are starting to develop a saucy little personality, babe.

I am constantly amazed at how I can love anyone so much. Honestly, when your sister was born I wondered how I could possibly love any other human being as much as I loved her. Then you came along, and my heart just got bigger I guess, because there is just as much love there for you. And you are such a neat little guy. You are a chill kid, but you stand up for yourself when you need to. You already have this wry sense of humor. I can’t wait until you can talk and I can have a peek at what is going on in your little mind. You are still your Daddy’s spitting image, but every now and then lately you remind me a little of Geeze.

A couple of other firsts this month:
First Saint Patrick’s day:

First Easter egg hunt (and subsequent first Twix bar):
I am a little late getting this letter out to you this month. As you know, we have been busy, busy, busy. And you have changed so much this month, I can hardly believe it.

Look at you, big boy! You are cruising! You pulled yourself up a few times last month, but this month you started doing it consistently. You are very pleased with yourself. And you have no fear. As long as you have your hand on a solid object, no matter how stable, you are cruising. You’re like Spiderman, creeping along the circumference of the room. You will be walking before you know it. Then your sister had better watch out.
She is really starting to warm up to you.

Well, most of the time. When she feels like it. But you two are starting to play together on a semi-regular basis and man, is that ever cute. Nobody makes you laugh quite like Isabel does. You are even beginning to copy the things she does. When she claps, you clap. When she says, “no!” you say, “nuh!” That pisses her off. He he he. You are starting to develop a saucy little personality, babe.

I am constantly amazed at how I can love anyone so much. Honestly, when your sister was born I wondered how I could possibly love any other human being as much as I loved her. Then you came along, and my heart just got bigger I guess, because there is just as much love there for you. And you are such a neat little guy. You are a chill kid, but you stand up for yourself when you need to. You already have this wry sense of humor. I can’t wait until you can talk and I can have a peek at what is going on in your little mind. You are still your Daddy’s spitting image, but every now and then lately you remind me a little of Geeze.

A couple of other firsts this month:
First Saint Patrick’s day:

First Easter egg hunt (and subsequent first Twix bar):

And first ear infection. I don’t have a picture of that. I was too busy obsessively jamming thermometers into every possible orifice of your body. Poor little dude. You ran a hundred-and-four-point-something temperature one night and scared the crud out of me. So for days I took your temperature like, every thirty minutes. You came through it like a champ, though. I’m proud of you, buddy.
Now, let’s talk about weaning. You are currently nursing anywhere from five to seven times a day, depending on how often I get up with you at night. Yikes. This is all totally my fault, of course. I have been horribly inconsistent with sleep training and, let’s face it, it takes two to tango. The other day I realized that you are going to be one in a few weeks and, yeesh, you are still nursing like a newborn. Maybe it’s because you were such a pleasant infant that I haven’t been in a rush to move you out of that stage. I sometimes want to put you in a pickle jar to keep you little, but at the same time I can’t wait to watch you grow. You are turning into a fantastic kid and I love a little more every day.
The photo of I&I looking apart deserves to be blown up to ginormous proportions & framed. Excellent!
Having not seen them in, oh I don't know almost 10 YEARS, I loved the pics of your parents. And you're right, Issac's got definite Geeze echoes.
Liam's got the second ear infection this week. Aren't they the worst? Ugh. Poor babbys.
Great googly moogly, has it been that long? We are oooold.
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