Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Update update

Well, turned out to be an ear infection-a Sparkets family first. He is on antibiotics and seems much better. Unfortunately, three sleepless nights have caused me to revert to my alter ego, Insano-Mommy. I had hoped that we had seen the last of her, but she is back; refusing to put on make up or brush her hair, basically just walking around the house in circles and crying at the drop of hat. So if you stop by in the next day or so try not judge me by the pile of unfolded laundry on my couch. And whatever you do, don't drop your hat.


Shannon said...

Oh I've been there...I know how you feel! It's rough - so hard to see them sick. Hang in there and a speedy recovery to your little one!

melinda said...

o! our first too! Liam started is 1st round of antibiotic today. I'm so proud...

Anonymous said...

We had our first family ear infection....It was trevor...I told him he shouldn't pass out with his head smashed on a candy bar, but he's a grown man and I can't really control him...


monkeysparkets said...

TCM-thanks! I'm really enjoying your blog.

Mel-Big no fun, eh? We have trouble getting Isaac to swallow his.

Juls-They grow up so fast...