Sunday, November 18, 2007

By the Power of Greyskull

I take a two year old with a sugar rush, a six month old in desperate need of a nap, a large diaper bag, an over sized umbrella and two Mylar balloons. I navigate the crowded parking lot at Red Lobster on foot. In a rainstorm. Bonus points for not loosing my cool when the two year old loses a boot halfway to the car. I somehow stuff all of them into the back of a Mercury Grand Marquis, buckle them in and wipe their noses.

I look back in the rear view mirror and think, “How did I do that with only two arms?” Moments like these, I feel invincible. I am the master of the effen universe, baby.

Three cheers for all you other He-Mums out there who do stuff like this every day. I know you get me.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

That was a story of grimace proportions! Remember when you couldn't find the blockbuster? You are MEGA MOM!