Sunday, November 25, 2007

Oooh, deep

So two weeks ago I read this little story on Dooce.

Last night we were sitting in a nice-ish Indian place. The kids had been pretty good, but it was past their bedtimes and things were starting to get a little hairy. Bella was getting tired of playing in the korma sauce and was starting to get a bit whiny. Someone asked her what was wrong. Without thinking, and probably because this story was floating around the back of my subconcious, I muttered, "She's all cracked out".

Unfortunately I did not mutter softly enough. Isabel promptly proceeded to climb off of her chair and begin jumping up and down in place shouting, "I'm ALL cracked OUT!"

How can you not laugh? But it raises the question, does blogging imitate life, or does life imitate blogging? Perhaps we'll never know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For the record, I wasn't there.