Friday, November 30, 2007

Potty Training

Just when I thought it was impossible for me to become more preoccupied with poop…

When you’re a parent, you think a lot about poop. The presence of too much of it, the absence of it, sometimes even the consistence and/or color of it become regular topics of conversation.

Or maybe that’s just me.

Lately my main poop-related concern has been the monumental task of getting it into one of these receptacles:

We are making some progress, though. And I’ve learned a few things.

1. You are a slave to the potty. When your child says that they have to go, you go. Right now.

2. Specific descriptions of rewards work better. For a long time I told her that if she went on the potty she would get a “big treat”. Not interested. When I showed her the bag of M&Ms, and described them in great detail, it made a big difference. For the next few days I would hear her muttering to herself “There are green M&Ms, and red ones and yellow ones and blue ones. But not silver.” Then, like magic, she went.

3. You can’t really spell “M&Ms” aloud as a way of talking about them to another adult without your toddler catching on.

4. Don’t expect your two year old to understand why this is such a big frickin’ deal. The first time we saw pee in that potty, Mr. Monkeysparkets and I did a conga line through the kitchen, singing, “Pee-pee in the Po-ttee! Pee-pee in the Po-tee!” She looked at us like, “I don’t know what’s wrong with you people, but you’d better deliver the M&Ms before you go completely bonkers.” It doesn't matter, though. I never thought it was possible to feel so proud of someone for not peeing in their pants. They grow up so fast...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You've been tagged!

melinda said...

It took me a while to realize this was you! Welcome back, honey.

My cousin Mike and his wife and kids drove up from Bel Air last night. Looong trip with little ones.

Why does it say you're in Afghanistan?

Tracey said...

I remember the potty, poopy days very well!

I think my girls were about 3 when they decided they wanted to use the potty! Actually I think we got them straight onto the toilet by using a special kiddie step and toilet insert thingy.

We didn`t rush them, that`s the key! They were dry at night after about another year I think.

I used to used those Huggies Pull Up pants on them!

Anonymous said...

Learned about your blog by visiting Grand Reapers - great site you have.

I too remember these poop days! Geesh, cute but, geesh.....Have fun :-)